Come quickly I am tasting stars!
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- By Tara Wegdam
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This was perhaps a quote from Dom Perignon but even if it was not, I have the same feeling when I taste something that takes me to France in my mind. A sip of Rose or a perfectly flaky butter croissant bring a nostalgic smile. The same thing happens when I see a home designed or outfit with the je ne sais qoui style the French exhibit naturally.
This was perhaps a quote from Dom Perignon but even if it was not, I have the same feeling when I taste something that takes me to France in my mind. A sip of Rose or a perfectly flaky butter croissant bring a nostalgic smile. The same thing happens when I see a home designed or outfit with the je ne sais qoui style the French exhibit naturally.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the Olympics and special news coverage. Even watching the less exciting sports keeps me coming back for more. I can imagine how wonderful it must be to be there as an athlete or spectator. The overhead view of Montmartre the just flashed on the TV as a point for the cycling event was breath taking. The sailing on the Rivera… well I do not have words for the majestic beauty.
Ben and I love France. It is where we met and mutually where our backgrounds and tastes collide. Our parents loved France and French things- his parents enjoyed the food and wine while mine appreciated the style and textiles. We love it all; there is something relaxed yet elegant in their simplistic beauty.
We love to entertain. While going to extra effort to do something special, in our home we try to be relaxed and create a laissez faire feel. Selecting specialties from local markets cheese, bread, flowers and wine enhance any occasion. Recently we shopped at The Whole Ox in Marshall, Virginia and selected a sparking red wine in gorgeous bottle to start off our dinner party. To accompany this was a menu of burrata peach salad contributed by our dear friend and local steak selected from this specialty butcher. I would be remiss if I did not mention the rosemary lemon cake. Of course, I love the idea of rosemary and lemon because it is so French but it was also heavenly tasting,
Another inspiration that you can achieve locally to connect to your inner artist is the tradition of Absinthe. Mount Defiance Distillery in Middleburg, Virginia offers locally made absinthe. We love visiting with them to show you how to achieve a bistro inspired tasting right at home.
At Crème de la Crème we strive to bring a shop that is inspired by products authentic to the European lifestyle. Giving our customers products and the experience to take the on an adventure is our goal. From cards, garden pots, tableware, baskets, books, to linens, our products reflect timeless style. Hopefully we continue the fun even the Olympics is over.
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